Bitcoin Core
We install Bitcoin Core, the reference client implementation of the Bitcoin network.
The Bitcoin Core application will run in the background as a daemon and use the
separate user bitcoin
for security reasons. This user does not have admin
rights and cannot change the system configuration.
Install dependencies
These are build dependencies (safe to remove after installation, if you want)
$SU apk add --virtual .build-deps autoconf automake boost-dev clang chrpath \
file gnupg libevent-dev libtool make pkgconf zeromq-dev
These are runtime dependencies
$SU apk add libevent libsodium libstdc++ libzmq
Create the bitcoin
$SU addgroup -S bitcoin
$SU adduser \
-S \
-D \
-H \
-h /dev/null \
-s /sbin/nologin \
-G bitcoin \
-g bitcoin \
Add the user satoshi
to the group bitcoin
as well
$SU adduser satoshi bitcoin && exec su -l satoshi
Add the user bitcoin
to the group tor
This allow the user bitcoin
to use the control port and configure Tor directly
$SU adduser bitcoin tor
Create a symbolic link bitcoin to satoshi
ln -s /var/lib/bitcoind "$HOME/.bitcoin"
There is an apk packaged bitcoin on Alpine repositories, but Microbolt recommends installing bitcoin from source code in order to apply anti-ordinals patches always
We download the latest Bitcoin Core source code and compare this file with the signed and timestamped checksum. This is a precaution to make sure that this is an official release and not a malicious version trying to steal our money.
Download source code
- Login as
and change to a temporary directory which is cleared on reboot
cd /tmp
- Set a temporary version environment variable to the installation
- Get the latest source code and signatures
Checksum check
- Check that the reference checksum in the file
matches the checksum calculated by you
grep bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c
bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz: OK
Signature check
Bitcoin releases are signed by several individuals, each using its own key. To verify the validity of these signatures, you must first import the corresponding public keys into your GPG key database.
- The next command downloads and imports automatically all signatures from the Bitcoin Core release attestations (Guix) repository
wget -qO- \
"" |\
grep download_url |\
grep -oE "https://[a-zA-Z0-9./-]+" |\
while read url; do \
wget -qO- "$url" |\
gpg --import \
; done
- Verify that the checksums file is cryptographically signed by the release signing keys. The following command prints signature checks for each of the public keys that signed the checksums
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc
- Check that at least a few signatures show the following text
gpg: Good signature from...
Primary key fingerprint:...
Timestamp check
The source checksum file is also timestamped with the Bitcoin blockchain using the OpenTimestamps protocol, proving that the file existed before some point in time. Let’s verify this timestamp. On your local computer, download the checksums file and its timestamp proof:
- In your browser, open the OpenTimestamps website
- In the “Stamp and verify” section, drop or upload the downloaded SHA256SUMS.ots proof file in the dotted box
- In the next box, drop or upload the SHA256SUMS file
- If the timestamps are verified, you should see the following message. The timestamp proves that the checksums file existed on the release date of the latest Bitcoin Core version
The following screenshot is just an example of one of the versions:
Extract source
If you’re satisfied with the checksum, signature, and timestamp checks, extract the Bitcoin Core source code
tar xzf bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz && cd bitcoin-$VERSION
Apply patches
- Ordisrespector
sed '/stack.push_back(vchPushValue);/a \
auto pc_tmp = pc;\
opcodetype next_opcode;\
valtype dummy_data;\
if (script.GetOp(pc_tmp, next_opcode, dummy_data) && next_opcode == OP_IF) {\
}' \
src/script/interpreter.cpp > _
mv -f _ src/script/interpreter.cpp
Configure, compile and install
For convenience, it might be useful to have the manual page for bitcoin-cli
in the same machine so that they can be consulted offline, it’s installed by
default in this guide
If you DON’T want it, execute this
./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
"${MAN:---mandir=/usr/share/man}" \
--with-daemon \
--with-utils \
--without-bdb \
--without-gui \
--without-libs \
--without-qrencode \
--enable-hardening \
--enable-lto \
--enable-reduce-exports \
--enable-static \
--disable-bench \
--disable-ccache \
--disable-fuzz \
--disable-fuzz-binary \
--disable-gui-tests \
--disable-maintainer-mode \
--disable-shared \
--disable-tests \
$SU make install
[ -z $MAN ] && $SU apk add mandoc man-pages
$SU install -D -m 0660 -o bitcoin -g bitcoin ./share/examples/bitcoin.conf /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
Strip installed binaries
$SU strip -v /usr/bin/bitcoin*
rm -rf /tmp/bitcoin-${VERSION}* /tmp/SHA256SUMS /tmp/SHA256SUMS.asc
$SU apk del .build-deps
Generate access credentials
For other programs to query Bitcoin Core they need the proper access credentials. To avoid storing the username and password in a configuration file in plaintext, the password is hashed. This allows Bitcoin Core to accept a password, hash it, and compare it to the stored hash, while it is not possible to retrieve the original password.
Another option to get access credentials is through the .cookie
file in the
Bitcoin data directory. This is created automatically and can be read by all
users who are members of the “bitcoin” group.
Bitcoin Core provides a simple python
script to generate the configuration
line for the config file.
But we prefer to do it our way, much more simple
The following command will ask for the RPC username and password. The password
will be hashed and stored in the bitcoin.conf
Copy and paste the following command into your terminal and press Enter
clear && \
printf "Enter the RPC username: " && \
read -r username; \
[ ! "$username" ] && {
printf "\033[38;5;1m%s\033[m\n" "Error, must provide username"; kill -SIGINT $$
} || \
printf "Enter the [ B ] RPC password: " && \
stty -echo && \
read -r password; \
stty echo && \
[ ! "$password" ] && {
printf "\033[38;5;1m%s\033[m\n" "Error, must provide password"; kill -SIGINT $$
} || {
sed "s/^#*rpcauth=.*$/rpcauth=${username}:${salt=$(openssl rand -hex 16)}\$$(\
printf "%s" "${password}" | \
openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "$salt" | \
awk '{print $2}' \
)/" /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf > _; \
unset salt; \
$SU mv -f _ /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf && \
printf "\n\033[38;5;34m%s\033[m\n" \
"Done! The password hash is stored in the bitcoin.conf file"
need to be adjusted to your hardware capacity
- Modify/uncomment these lines. Save and exit.
$SU $EDITOR /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
Check this Bitcoin Core sample config on web browser
Slow device mode
# Slow devices optimizations
## Limit the number of max peers connections
## Tries to keep outbound traffic under the given target per 24h
## Increase the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: 4)
## Increase the depth of the work queue to service RPC calls (default: 16)
Realize that with maxuploadtarget
parameter enabled you will need whitelist
the connection to Electrs and Bisq by adding these parameter to bitcoin.conf
- Electrs:
- Bisq:
Create init.d service
The system needs to run the bitcoin daemon automatically in the background, even
when nobody is logged in. We use openrc
, a daemon that controls the startup
process using configuration files.
- Create the init.d configuration
$SU $EDITOR /etc/init.d/bitcoind
- Enter the complete next configuration. Save and exit
: ${BITCOIND_CONFIGFILE:=/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf}
: ${BITCOIND_DATADIR:=/var/lib/bitcoind}
: ${BITCOIND_LOGDIR:=/var/log/bitcoind}
: ${BITCOIND_USER:=bitcoin}
: ${BITCOIND_GROUP:=bitcoin}
: ${BITCOIND_BIN:=/usr/bin/bitcoind}
name="Bitcoin Core daemon"
description="Bitcoin cryptocurrency P2P network daemon"
depend() {
use net
need localmount
checkdepend onion tor
checkdepend i2psam i2pd
after logger firewall
checkdepend() {
if grep -qs "^${1}=" "${BITCOIND_CONFIGFILE}"; then
need "${2:-$1}"
start_pre() {
checkpath --file --mode 0660 --owner "${command_user}" "${BITCOIND_CONFIGFILE}"
checkpath --directory --mode 0750 --owner "${command_user}" "${BITCOIND_DATADIR}"
checkpath --directory --mode 0755 --owner "${command_user}" "${BITCOIND_LOGDIR}"
checkpath --directory --mode 0755 --owner "${command_user}" "${BITCOIND_PIDDIR}"
start_post() {
chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= "${BITCOIND_DATADIR}" "${BITCOIND_LOGDIR}"
checkconfig() {
if ! grep -qs '^rpcauth=' "${BITCOIND_CONFIGFILE}"
eerror ""
eerror "ERROR: You must set a secure rpcauth to run bitcoind."
eerror "The setting must appear in ${BITCOIND_CONFIGFILE}"
eerror ""
eerror "This auth is security critical to securing wallets "
eerror "and must not be the same as the rpcuser setting."
eerror ""
eerror "It is recommended that you also set alertnotify so you are "
eerror "notified of problems:"
eerror ""
eerror "ie: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s \"Bitcoin Alert\"" \
eerror ""
return 1
- Enable execution permission
$SU chmod +x /etc/init.d/bitcoind
- Enable autoboot
$SU rc-update add bitcoind default
Create logrotate config
Logrotate is a system utility that manages the compression and rotation of log files on Linux systems. If logs are not rotated, compressed, and purged periodically, they can eventually consume all available disk space on the system. It allows automatic rotation, compression, removal, and mailing of log files. Each log file may be handled daily, weekly, monthly, or when it grows too large.
Normally, logrotate is run as a daily cron job.
- Create the bitcoin logrotate config file
$SU $EDITOR /etc/logrotate.d/bitcoind
- Enter the complete next configuration. Save and exit
/var/log/bitcoind/*.log {
rotate 104
create 0640 bitcoin bitcoin
kill -HUP `cat /run/bitcoind/`
- Test
$SU logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/bitcoind --debug
- Start the service
$SU rc-service bitcoind start
- Check logs
tail -f /var/log/bitcoind/debug.log
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Bitcoin Core version v26.0.0 (release build)
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z InitParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -blocksonly=1 -> setting -whitelistrelay=0
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z InitParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -blocksonly=1 -> setting -maxmempool=5
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Using the 'sse4(1way),sse41(4way),avx2(8way)' SHA256 implementation
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Using RdSeed as an additional entropy source
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Using RdRand as an additional entropy source
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Default data directory /dev/null/.bitcoin
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Using data directory /var/lib/bitcoind
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file: /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: assumevalid="0"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: blockfilterindex="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: blocksonly="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: coinstatsindex="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: daemon="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: dbcache="24576"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: debug="i2p"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: debug="tor"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: debuglogfile="/var/log/bitcoind/debug.log"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: i2psam=""
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: onion=""
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: peerblockfilters="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: peerbloomfilters="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: rpcauth=****
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: server="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: startupnotify="chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= /var/lib/bitcoind /var/log/bitcoind"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: txindex="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Config file arg: v2transport="1"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Command-line arg: conf="/etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Command-line arg: datadir="/var/lib/bitcoind"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Command-line arg: pid="/run/bitcoind/"
2024-01-17T13:48:34Z Command-line arg: server=""
2024-01-17T13:48:46Z Pre-synchronizing blockheaders, height: 2000 (~0.25%)
Monitor the log file for a few minutes to see if it works fine (it may stop at
dnsseed thread exit
, that’s ok)
- Wait a few minutes until Bitcoin Core starts, and enter the next command to obtain your Tor and I2P addresses. Take note of them, later you might need it
bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo | grep 'address.*\.onion\|address.*\.i2p'
"address": "vctk9tie5srguvz262xpyukkd7g4z2xxxy5xx5ccyg4f12fzop8hoiad.onion",
"address": "sesehks6xyh31nyjldpyeckk3ttpanivqhrzhsoracwqjxtk3apgq.b32.i2p",
- Check the correct enablement of the I2P and Tor networks
bitcoin-cli -netinfo
Bitcoin Core client v26.0.0 - server 70016/Satoshi:26.0.0/
ipv4 ipv6 onion i2p total block
in 0 0 25 2 27
out 7 0 2 1 10 2
total 7 0 27 3 37
Local addresses
xdtk6tie4srguvz566xpyukkd7m3z3vbby5xx5ccyg5f64fzop7hoiab.onion port 8333 score 4
etehks3xyh55nyjldjdeckk3nwpanivqhrzhsoracwqjxtk8apgk.b32.i2p port 0 score 4
- Ensure bitcoind is listening on the default RPC & P2P ports
$SU netstat -lntup | grep LISTEN | grep bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
tcp 0 0 :::8333 :::* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
tcp 0 0 ::1:8332 :::* LISTEN 28295/bitcoind
Please note:
is still starting, you may get an error message like “verifying blocks”. That’s normal, just give it a few minutes. -
Among other info, the “verificationprogress” is shown. Once this value reaches almost 1 (0.99999…), the blockchain is up-to-date and fully validated.
Bitcoin Core is syncing
This can take between one day and a week, depending mostly on your PC performance. It’s best to wait until the synchronization is complete before going ahead.
Explore bitcoin-cli
If everything is running smoothly, this is the perfect time to familiarize
yourself with Bitcoin, the technical aspects of Bitcoin Core, and play around
with bitcoin-cli
until the blockchain is up-to-date.
The Little Bitcoin Book is a fantastic introduction to Bitcoin, focusing on the “why” and less on the “how”.
Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos is a great point to start, especially chapter 3 (ignore the first part how to compile from source code):
- Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line by Christopher Allen gives a thorough deep dive into understanding the technical aspects of Bitcoin.
- Also, check out the bitcoin-cli reference
Activate mempool & reduce ‘dbcache’ after a full sync
Once Bitcoin Core is fully synced, we can reduce the size of the database cache. A bigger cache speeds up the initial block download, now we want to reduce memory consumption to allow the Lightning client and Electrum server to run in parallel. We also now want to enable the node to listen to and relay transactions.
- Comment the following lines on
Bitcoin Core will then just use the default cache size of 450 MiB instead of
your setting RAM setup. If blocksonly=1
is left uncommented it will prevent
Electrum Server from receiving RPC fee data and will not work.
$SU $EDITOR /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
- Restart Bitcoin Core for the settings to take effect
$SU rc-service bitcoind restart
OpenTimestamps client
When we installed Bitcoin Core, we verified the timestamp of the checksum file using the OpenTimestamp website. In the future, you will likely need to verify more timestamps, when installing additional programs (e.g. LND) and when updating existing programs to a newer version. Rather than relying on a third party, it would be preferable (and more fun) to verify the timestamps using your own blockchain data. Now that Bitcoin Core is running and synced, we can install the OpenTimestamp client to locally verify the timestamp of the binaries checksums file.
On Alpine Linux are discouraged to install system-wide packages without the
system package manager (apk). OpenTimestamp are not packaged already, so we
install in a virtual isolated environment using pipx
- Install dependencies
$SU apk add pipx
- Add environment variables
printf "%s\n" \
"export PIPX_HOME=/var/lib/pipx" \
"export PIPX_BIN_DIR=/usr/bin" \
"export PIPX_MAN_DIR=/usr/share/man" \
| $SU tee -a /etc/profile.d/
- Source changes
source /etc/profile.d/
- Install the OpenTimestamp client
$SU pipx install opentimestamps-client
- Display the OpenTimestamps client version to check that it is properly installed
ots --version
To update the OpenTimestamps client, simply exec
$SU pipx upgrade opentimestamps-client
The latest release can be found on the GitHub
page of the Bitcoin Core
project. Always read the RELEASE
NOTES first!
When upgrading, there might be breaking changes or changes in the data structure
that need special attention. Replace the environment variable VERSION=x.xx
value for the latest version if it has not been already changed in this guide.